Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another trivia...it's what we do around here!

She was born in 1780 into a rich Quaker family in England. She received education and spend her youth flollowing her mother who tended to the poor and sick. Giving birth to 11 children did not stop her from following in her Mom's footsteps and in 1813 she visited for the first time Newgate Prison. An experience that shaped the rest of her life and even resulted in a book. In 1818 she spoke to people in Parliament and in 1823 the Gaol Act was passed that helped to improve living conditions in prisons. This charitable woman passed in 1845 and since 2002 can be seen on the back of a Bank of England note!

Now ...to the comment section with the lot of you and hint at this queen of a woman!


  1. Though their sex is most often called fairer
    Woman make up most most of the darers
    And among those courageous
    When you've wondered for ages
    It's a good bet to guess the name "Clara."

  2. Nope, Douglas... that's not even kinda close! You will love her last name (through marriage!) and her birth name is today used to transport sick people and rush them into hospital care settings or out of them.

  3. An good hint can often times turn me
    From cold guesses to folly that burns me
    Upon further reflection
    I've found a direction
    To go if you'll just push the gurney.

  4. She had a lot of fish to fry, huh? Bet no one ever called her Lizzy.

  5. Oh gurney. I did try to remember if I heard of a family called "ambulance".

  6. TLP...full points!

    Ariel...I learned the word gurney just recently.It happens when you study nursing :)

  7. You're back! Great to see you posting again.

  8. Ha ha - I'm with Ariel. I tried to think of what the heck could be a name of an ambulance... gurney never even occurred to me.

    Where you come up with this trivia beats me... but it sure is fun and I learn lots. I doubt I will forget this Newgate prison angel.

  9. Fred, yep i am. Obviously!

    terry, I am glad...I enjoy making them. these trivia occur to me while I am doing something, hear something or read something. If i have to go through education, you guys are going down with me!

  10. TLP, thank you for the hint I needed.

    Wherever the downhearted cry,
    An angel of mercy will try.
    In prison it seems,
    The stuff of men's dreams
    Is a woman and her habitl to pry.

  11. Doug...I am glad we finally got you there. It's unusual for you to trail behind. At least you didn't write habit with a double "b" ;)

  12. Right, but if I pass some grass, I'll grabb it.

  13. Knights have their holy grail
    While adventurer's dream a full sail
    Yet others pursue
    A quiz and clue
    That come speedier than a snail.

  14. Doug, a retirement home of old people go to the woods to collect edible snail. 80 years old Joseph is the last one to come back, without one snail. 'You haven't found any, Joseph?', the others ask him. 'I have, I have', he says, 'but by the time I bent down, that many snail shoo! all ran away.'

  15. Lol ariel!

    Doug ...patience...the new computer isn't quite here yet. Blogging will be so much easier once it is :)

  16. Kaninchen Kaninchen! Good luck on the new computer in March.

  17. Wow, never heard of her before. Rabbit, Rabbit.

  18. As usual, I'm late to the party. Everyone's already gone.

  19. Hase hase, fern Eisköniginchen!

  20. Interesting idea the trivia posts - I had no idea on this one! I'll have to scroll back to see if I can get any past ones.

    Came here by way of a comment you left in 2006 on a "Dick Gumshoe, P.I." post of mine.

  21. So the Queen seems very busy with other things indeed. Life has swept her away leaving us with an empty space that may never be filled. With a sad heart and just a hint of a smile for Minka my "Queen" years ago, I hope to hear from you again some day.
